Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This work is devoted to development of domestic technology for ion exchange resins treatment (conditioning) in the nuclear industry. In the work has been carried out the analysis of a number of domestic technologies applied to treatment of liquid radioactive waste for the purpose of their knots use for developed technological chain’s cost reduction. The analysis of perspective foreign technologies which are already used for ion exchange resins conditioning has been carried out as well. According to analysis report has been proposed the domestic technology for ion exchange resins conditioning with application of polymeric binding. The resulting experimental conditioned matrix obtained with this technology meets the modern requirements imposed to the final product of treatment, is convenient during the transporting and storage, at the same time it is close to foreign samples on key parameters.
solid radioactive waste (SRW), liquid radioactive waste (LRW), ion-exchange resins, radioactive waste treatment, polymerization
1. Введение в проблему
В настоящее время в мире функционируют 438 ядерных энергетических реакторов. По сведениям МАГАТЭ [1], идет строительство еще 70 энергоблоков.
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