Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers the problem of socio-pedagogical support of children with complex developmental disorders. The aim of this work was to confirm the need for medical and social-pedagogical maintenance of educational process of this group in the conditions of integrated education. The literature data on this problem was analyzed. The contradictions are listed. The analysis of official data was carried out. Organization of medical and socio-pedagogical support of children with complex disabilities will enhance the effectiveness of health-saving component of the educational process by adapting elements of the system to the capacities of children.

children with disabilities, complex disorders, educational institution, integration, the limited possibilities of health, support, health-preserving technologies.

Актуальность. Одной из сложных проблем в современной России является проблема социально-педагогического сопровождения детей с комплексными нарушениями в развитии.


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