Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Athos has always played a special role in the life of Russian society. She was always an example of the proper organization of monastic life for many Russian ascetics. Important trail she left in the life of the Russian intelligentsia. Its dispensation has transformed their attitude towards life and aspirations. This article describes the part of the life of the Russian religious philosopher K.N. Leontiev in the context of the impact space of the Orthodox culture of Athos. The author considers the question of spiritual transformation of the personality of the philosopher, examines the origins of several of his works, religious and philosophical views. The author pays special attention to the formation of the individual of K.N.Leontiev in early childhood and traces the impact of this in the future writer's biography. The author dwells in detail on the characteristics of the personality of the philosopher, as he believes that it is inseparable from his books.
Russian religious philosophy, the transformation of the individual, the Orthodox culture.
Церковно-монастырская культура была и остается важнейшей составляющей православия, тем краеугольным камнем, на который, по словам патриарха Кирилла, опирается вся его конструкция.
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5. Leont'ev K.N. Egipetskiy golub': roman, povesti, vospominaniya [The Egyptian dove: a novel, the stories, the memories]. Moscow, Sovremennik Publ., 1991. 527 p.
6. Leont'ev K.N. Otshel'nichestvo, monastyr' i mir. Ikh sushchnost' i vzaimnaya svyaz' (chetyre pis'ma s Afona) [Asceticism, the monastery and the world. Their essence and interconnection (four letters from mount Athos)]. Sergiev Posad, «Religiozno-filosofskaja biblioteka» Publ., 1913. 58 p.
7. Leont'ev K.N. Rasskaz moey materi ob imperatritse Marii Fedorovne [The story of my mother of the Empress Maria Feodorovna]. Russkij Vestnik [Russian Bulletin]. 1891, I. 4. (in Russian)