Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The modern world is full of risks, so the theory of risk, its properties and processes of management, are nowadays of particular interest. There are many theories, which contain different concepts and identifies the fundamental characteristics of this phenomenon. This paper aims to study the processes of effective risk management and prediction of the future, an important task of social management. The article discusses the postmodern (sociological) and perceptibility (psychology) risk-taking. Sociological theories of the postmodern approach to the concept of “risk” through the analysis of social relations. In turn, perceptivity approach treats risk through the “behavioral aspects” of human existence. The task of this article is to define the properties of risk in sociological theories and the search for such properties, the risk that would be inherent in any type of society. Analyzed the risk profile, offered by postmodern theory by U. Beck, N. Luhmann and A. Giddens, with the result that the basic properties of the risk applying to the Foundation. As well as identified behavioral aspects of risk that were considered in the context perceptivities approach, in D. Kahneman and A. Tversky. In the end, we offer a conclusion that common property, as an individual and the society as a system in General is an irrational risk aversion. This property does not depend on the era and type of society and retains its relevance from ancient times to the present day. The results obtained in this article can find its practical application in Sciences such as social philosophy, political science, management, Economics, psychology, sociology. Highlighted in the sociology of properties of a society built on risk, can be useful indicators or explanations of any of the events. In political science, Economics and management knowledge of the characteristics of the risk society (modern society) and people's attitude to risk will provide an advantage and will indicate any possible human behavior that will help in prediction and management. And this, in turn, could facilitate the implementation of industrial, corporate, or state objectives.
risk, risk society, postmodern, behavioral strategies, perceptivity approach, sociology.
Постмодернистский подход
Для исследователей постмодернистского подхода характерно рассматривать понятие «риска» через призму общественных отношений. Впервые теория «общества риска» была сформулирована в конце XX в.
1. Bek U. Obshchestvo riska: Na puti k drugomu modernu [Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya Publ., 2000. 383 p.
2. Bernstayn P. Protiv bogov: Ukroshchenie riska [Against the gods: the taming of risk]. Moscow, «Olimp-Biznes» Publ., 2000. 400 p.
3. Giddens, E. Sud'ba, risk i bezopasnost' [Fate, risk and security]. THESIS [THESIS]. 1994, I. 5, p. 102.
4. Zubkov V. Risk kak predmet sotsiologicheskogo analiza. Dokt. Diss. [Risk as a subject of sociological analysis:abstract the dessert. Doct. Diss.]. Moscow, Moskovskii gosudarstvenniy universitet pishchevykh proizvodstv Publ., 2005. 305 p.
5. Kahneman D., Slovik. P., Tversky A. Prinyatie resheniy v neopredelennosti: Pravila i predubezhdeniya [Decision making in uncertainty: Rules and prejudices]. Kharkov, Institute of applied psychology "Humanitarian Center" Publ., 2005, p. 309.
6. Luhmann. N. Ponyatie riska [The concept of risk]. THESIS [THESIS]. 1994, I. 5, 140 p.
7. Soros D. Soros o Sorose. Operezhaya peremeny [Ahead of the changes]. Moscow, Infra-M Publ., 1996. 149 p.
8. Yanitskiy O.N. Risk v sovremennom obshchestve. Rossiya kak obshchestvo riska: metodologiya analiza i kontury kontseptsii [Risk in modern society. Russia as a society of risk: methodology of analysis and the contours of the concept]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost' [Social Sciences and Modernity]. 2004, I. 2, pp. 5-15. EDN: