Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article considers discovery learning as an effective tool for the formation of universal learning activities by younger schoolchildren: cognitive, regulative, communicative. The questions of the history of the discovery education are described, the most frequently used discovery teaching methods are characterized: “brainstorming” and the synectic method. Variants of discovery learning tasks for younger schoolchildren are suggested.
younger schoolchildren; universal learning activities; forms of heuristic learning; method of “brainstorming”; the synectic method; discovery learning task.
Эвристическое обучение рассматривается в дидактике как освоение знаний через непрерывное открытие нового.
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