Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The approach to allocation of factors and criteria of classification of the regions which are the part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is presented. It is shown that the multicriteria approach to classification of regions of the Arctic zone allowing reflecting in a complex influence on their social and economic development of political, resource, production and social factors is preferable. It is proved that the leading factor of development of the territory of this type is the production factor that allows to recognize it as a key factor of division into districts. It is accented that a main goal of development of classification is formation of the differentiated public social and economic policy concerning regions and territorial subjects of the federation of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
criterion; classification of regions; Arctic zone; social and economic development; regional policy.
Выбор адекватного критерия классификации регионов является важнейшим условием результативности процесса районирования. Именно поэтому российские и зарубежные ученые и специалисты-практики уделяют особое внимание этой научно-практической проблеме, сохраняющей актуальность уже не одно десятилетие.
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