Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper is devoted to studying the effects of warm-cold treatment combined with the use of the special vitamin-mineral complex, on the athletes´ post-stress disorders rehabilitation. The examination was amde among 20 highest qualification athletes aged 28-32 years, which had considerable stress load at a training process and a competitive activities. It is known, that a stress affects on the hypophysial-adrenal and autonomic nervous systems, promotes for a excretion of vitamins and minerals from the human body. To restore post-stress disorders complex rehabilitation was used, it was based on the combined action of warm and cold procedures at a sauna, physical exercises and taking vitamins and minerals. For this purpose daily during 10 days for 1,5-2,0 hours surveyed athletics were exposed to warm treatments at humidified sauna with a temperature of 60-80 deg., alternating with cold treatments at reservoir water. Before an entrance to a sauna surveyed athletics accepted inside contents of one package of the vitamin and mineral complex. Before and immediately after warm-cold treatments in the sauna in the athletes registered pulse, blood pressure, tremor dynamic, the level of subjective well-being. The vegetative index Kerdo, pulse pressure, blood flow in minute volume were calculated. In addition, before the beginning and at the end of rehabilitation actions all surveyed athletics were examined by therapeutist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, oculist, endocrinologist. The laboratory indicators were determined: analysis of blood and urina, biochemic analysis of blood, blood test on catecholamines´s level, vitamin and mineral status. The result of this study are established, that the rehabilitation of athletes, based on the combined action of warm and cold procedures, taking vitamins and minerals, allows to normalize vegetative functions, reduce vitamin deficiency and psycho-emotional stress level.

sport, rehabilitation, stress

Основной особенностью спортивной деятельности человека является то, что она сопровождается не только высоким уровнем физической нагрузки, но и сильным психоэмоциональным напряжением. Такого рода спортивная деятельность требует использования соответствующей реабилитационной программы для восстановления спортмена и повышения его спортивной результативности. В НИИ нормальной физиологии им. П.К. Анохина РАМН разработан принципиально новый неинвазивный реабилитационно-оздоровительный метод для восстановления лиц, подвергшихся неблагоприятным стрессорным воздействиям. Метод основан на сочетанном воздействии тепло-холодовых процедур и приеме витаминов, микроэлементов и биологически активных веществ и может быть использован для восстановления спортсменов в процессе тренировочной и соревновательной деятельности [5]. 

Цель исследования – изучение влияний тепло-холодовых процедур на фоне приема витаминно-минерального


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