Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article considers the possibility of formation of general cultural literacy by younger schoolchildren as an essential component of the functional literacy of modern school education and the planned result of training that meets the requirements of the state standard of the second generation. The reasons for the insufficiently high level of culture of the younger generation are discussed, the main ways of improving the process of the development of general cultural literacy of primary schoolchildren are proposed.
younger schoolchild; functional literacy; general cultural literacy; integrative component; subjects of the aesthetic cycle; ways to improve the level of culture of primary schoolchildren.
Всоответствии с Концепцией формирования функциональной грамотности современного младшего школьника выделены две группы компонентов функциональной грамотности:
1) интегративные;
2) предметные.
1. Vinogradova N.F. Funktsional’naya gramotnost’ mladshego shkol’nika [Functional Literacy of a Junior Schoolchild]. Nachal’noe obrazovanie [Primary Education]. 2017, I. 3-4.
2. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart nachal’nogo obshchego obrazovaniya [Federal state educational standard of primary general education]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 2009. 33 p.
3. Florenskiy P.A. U vodorazdelov mysli [At the watersheds of thought]. Moscow, Mysl’ Publ., 1998, V. 4, 796 p.
4. Khutorskoy A.V. Didakticheskaya evristika: teoriya i tekhnologiya kreativnogo obucheniya [Didactic heuristics: theory and technology of creative learning]. Moscow, MGU Publ., 2003. 416 p.