Himki, Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article considers the possibilities of spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of younger schoolchildren on the basis of their introduction and involvement in the festive culture of the Tatar people. The solution of this educational task is carried out on an example of the main state holiday of Tatarstan — Sabantuy. The method of preparation for the holiday and the features of participation in it of junior schoolchildren are disclosed.
genre of folk culture; Sabantuy holiday; traditions of the Tatar people; spiritual and moral development of younger schoolchildren; aesthetic education.
Сконца XX в. в нашей стране заметно усилилось внимание к культурному наследию народов России, что было встречено педагогическим сообществом с энтузиазмом.
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2. Mikheeva L.N. Prazdniki, traditsii i remesla narodov Rossii: programma vneurochnoy deyatel’nosti [Holidays, traditions and crafts of the peoples of Russia: the program for after-hour activities]. Sbornik programm vneurochnoy deyatel’nosti. 1-4 klassy [Collection of off-hour programs. 1-4 grades]. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publ., 2011. 168 p.
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4. Sharafutdinov D.R. Istoricheskie korni i razvitie traditsionnoy kul’tury tatarskogo naroda. XIX - nachalo XXI veka [Historical roots and development of traditional culture of the Tatar people. XIX - the beginning of the XXI century]. Kazan’, Gasyr Publ., 2004. 639 p. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/QPCZID
5. Sharafutdinov D.R. Sabantuy - obraz zhizni naroda [Sabantuy is the way of life of the people]. Kazan’, Gasyr Publ., 1997. 313 p.