Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 29.15 Ядерная физика
Purpose: To obtain data of radiation survey in workplaces of the personnel of the Priargun Production Mountain Chemical Association (OJSC PPMCA), who work at the premises of the ground facilities. Material and methods: In the course of the radiation survey. Integral track methods were used to measure radon activity concentration by REI-1 track cameras of the TRACK-REI-1M kit. To assess the activity balance factor between radon and its radionuclide progenies, short term measurements of radon activity concentration (AC) and effective equilibrium concentration (EEC) of radon by handle radiometers of radon and its progenies. Gamma dose rate was measured by handle dosimeters. Results: Annual AC, EEC and effective dose due to radon and external gamma exposures in workplaces at the ground facilities of OJSC PPMCA have been obtained. Total number of the inspected workshops is 138, including 121 workshops occupied by the A group personnel, and 17 – by the B group personnel. Conclusions: It was shown that annual doses 20 mSv could be exceeded for the A group personnel who work at three workshops shaft 8K of the mine-2, one workshop of building 630A of the Hydro-metallurgical Plant and one workshop of shaft 5 B of G mine. In the workshops of the B group personnel, 5 mSv annual effective doses can be exceeded 2 and more times at the premises of canteen number 18 and administrative domestic building of mine-2.
staff, radiation survey, radon, ventilation, gamma radiation, inhalation intake, class of work conditions, workplace, mine, effective dose
Публичное акционерное общество «Приаргунское производственное горно-химическое объединение» (далее – ПАО ППГХО) является многоотраслевым горнодобывающим предприятием, осуществляющим, кроме подземной добычи урановых руд (урановое горнорудное управление – УГРУ), также переработку этих руд гидрометаллургическим способом с получением закиси-окиси урана (гидрометаллургический завод – ГМЗ).
Промышленные площадки объединения сосредоточены на радоноопасной территории в 15 км к востоку от города Краснокаменск (Стрельцовское рудное поле, Забайкальский край). Кроме того, ПАО ППГХО является источником выброса Rn-222 в атмосферу. По данным ежегодника, в 2010 и 2011 гг. из стволов и вентиляционных шурфов УГРУ годовой выброс Rn-222 составил 3,31×10^14 и 3,88×10^14 Бк соответственно.