Moskva, Russian Federation
Mechanisms of collaborative project and programme stakeholder management by the example of technological platform “Intellectual energy system” (a tool of state innovation policy) are analyzed. During the research the aspects of collaborative projects stakeholder management, including stakeholder’s diversity, contradictory expectations, geographic fragmentation are considered. Using the open data source, the lack of collaborative project stakeholder management system in Project/Programme of technological platform “Intellectual energy system” development was diagnosed. There is the necessity of revealing to European experience in technological platform collaborative projects implementation, as far as this phenomenon is successfully adopted abroad and facilitates creation of benefits to the diverse number of its stakeholders.
stakeholder management, management of project stakeholders, collaborative project, research project, technological platform.
В эпоху открытых инноваций все бóльшую ценность приобретают совместные усилия при создании новых технологий, продуктов и услуг.
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