Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In December 2016 the authors conducted a survey of the bachelor and master’s degree students of the Institute of World Economy and Business of People Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). The aim of the study was to determine the evaluation of the reputation of the RUDN University by the target audience, the strengths and weaknesses of the education from the point of view of the students and the description of the priority of communicative models of information consumption. The study made recommendations for optimizing the learning process, improvement of the educational program. At the result of the study there was started the development of corporate communication strategy to improve the organization’s reputation in the specific target audience - an audience of consumers of educational products.
survey, reputation, public opinion, university, media, advertising and public relations.
В России в последнее время актуализировался исследовательский интерес к изучению молодежной аудитории. С одной стороны, подобные исследования проводятся в контексте описания мировоззренческой специфики потребителей в возрасте от 18 лет и ниже до 25 лет и выше.
1. Google: issledovanie privychek i povedeniya rossiyskoy molodezhi onlayn [Google: a study of the habits and behavior of Russian youth online]. Available at: researches/2017/03/10/158475.phtml/
2. Auditoriya pol’zovateley interneta v Rossii v 2017 godu sostavila 87 mln. chelovek [The audience of Internet users in Russia in 2017 was 87 million people]. Available at: http://
3. Zalyublennoe pokolenie [A loving generation]. Available at:
4. Issledovanie Google: chto kruto dlya pokoleniya Z [Study Google: what’s cool for the generation of Z]. Available at:
5. Issledovanie Sberbanka: 30 faktov o sovremennoy molodezhi [Research Sberbank: 30 facts about modern youth]. Available at:
6. Opredeleny samye prodavaemye v Rossii zhurnaly i gazety po itogam 1 polugodiya 2014 g. [The best-selling magazines and newspapers in Russia were determined according to the results of the first half of 2014]. Available at: i-gazety-po-itogam-1-polugodiya-2014-goda/
7. Pokolenie Selfie: pyat’ mifov o sovremennoy molodezhi [Generation Selfie: five myths about modern youth]. Available at: https://
8. Pokoleniya Y i Z v Rossii: skhodstva i razlichiya [Generations Y and Z in Russia: similarities and differences]. Available at: https://
9. Rossiyskiy rynok zhurnalov: sostoyanie i perspektivy [Russian market of magazines: state and prospects]. Available at: https://
10. Harcup T. A Dictionary of Journalism // Oxford University Press, 2014.