Ripping three-tooth working equipment with individual drive of each tooth is hung instead of rear outriggers and also performs their function during loading and unloading operations. Hitching of this machine with such work equipment is quite reasonably, as it significantly expands the scope of its application during the preparatory and excavation works during the construction of logging roads. Thus the possibility and validity of such improvements to the car is clearly defined, and even there is a technological scheme of performance of its excavation in the construction of embankments from the lateral reserves.
forest complex conditions, forest machines, construction of logging roads, road-building unit ЛД–18, machines for uprooting stumps ЛП–52, clampshell-type vibrogrip, timber enterprises, basic skidder
В конце семидесятых и в начале восьмидесятых годов большое внимание уделялось механизации ручных и трудоемких операций на всех видах работ в условиях лесного комплекса и, особенно, на работах по строительству лесных дорог различного назначения, а также работах на осмолозагатовках.
В конце восьмидесятых годов для строительства и содержания дорог ЦНИИМЭ были разработаны с учетом конструкции их и условий производства
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