Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
In the article on the basis of the professional standard “Teacher” the types and groups of necessary competences of the geography teacher for the eff ective organization of teaching the subject are given. The mechanisms for assessing the competences of the teacher of geography with examples of tasks are described.
professional competence, competence, professional standard of pedagogical activity.
Профессиональная компетентность учителя-предметника на современном этапе относится к одному из приоритетных направлений государственной политики в области образования, что соотносится с рядом важнейших документов.
1. Abaturova V.V. O poryadke attestatsii, povyshenii kvalifi katsii i professional’noy perepodgotovke pedagogicheskikh kadrov [About the order of attestation, improvement of professional skill and professional retraining of pedagogical staff ]. Geografi ya v shkole [Geography in school]. 2011, I. 4, pp. 42-45.; EDN:
2. Abaturova V.V., Krylova O.V. Vnedrenie kontseptsii razvitiya geograficheskogo obrazovaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: modernizatsiya soderzhaniya i normativnoe pravovoe obespechenie [Implementation of the concept of the development of geographical education in the Russian Federation: modernization of content and regulatory support]. Profil’naya shkola [Profile School]. 2017, I. 3, pp. 48-54.; DOI:; EDN:
3. Abaturova V.V., Krylova O.V. Organizatsionno-metodicheskaya model’ vnedreniya Kontseptsii razvitiya geograficheskogo obrazovaniya [Organizational-methodical model of the implementation of the Concept of the development of geographical education]. Profil’naya shkola [Profile School]. 2017, I. 5, pp. 34-45.; DOI:; EDN:
4. Barinova I.I. Professional’naya kompetentnost’: portret sovremennogo uchitelya geografii [Professional competence: a portrait of a modern teacher of geography]. Geografiya i ekologiya v shkole KhKhI veka [Geography and ecology in the school of the XXI century]. Moscow, GEOEKO Publ., 2013, I. 10, pp. 64-70.
5. Prikaz Ministerstva truda i sotsial’noy zashchity Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot «18» oktyabrya 2013 g. № 544n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pedagog (pedagogicheskaya deyatel’nost’ v sfere doshkol’nogo, nachal’nogo obshchego, osnovnogo obshchego, srednego obshchego obrazovaniya) (vospitatel’, uchitel’)» [Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation from October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On the approval of the professional standard” Teacher (pedagogical activity in the fi eld of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”].
6. Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart osnovnogo obshchego obrazovaniya (utv. prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF ot 17 dekabrya 2010g. №1897, v red. ot 31 dekabrya 2015 g) [The federal state educational standard of basic general education (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 № 1897, as amended on December 31, 2015)]. Available at: