The complex of what is happening in the society of the XXI century political, economic and cultural changes contribute to the intensifi cation of mechanisms of modernization of diff erent levels and facets of the education system. The modern paradigm of pedagogy of art, artistic-aesthetic development of personality implies the actualization of the understanding of artistic practices metarole activities. In conditions of competence-oriented requirements to the education fi gurative activity acquires a special artistic and creative, interdisciplinary status, showing the unique historical potential of cultural metapractice of the students’ knowledge expansion. Therefore, this article focuses on the actualization of this problem, suggesting further prognostic vision of a culture of fi ne processes and the development of artistic and educational situations of the development of productive, cultural and rational activities of the samples. The author examines the process of implementing cultural metapotential of fi ne arts in art-developing the system of profession-oriented education of contemporary students.
art education, painting, netpractice, art and visual culture.
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