Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject ofthe present studyis the phenomenon ofmy theologizing of historical knowledge.The problem of the mythologization of history is actualized by the unavoidable interpretation of historical cognition, which connects it with the mythological components of the personal attitudes of the subject of historical knowledge, partly determined by the contemporary sociocultural myth-environment, and, accordingly, allows us to considerthe interpretation ofhistorical events and factsas a wayofmythologizing. The problem is examined in two different aspects: on the one hand, it is the "anti-historicism" of the myth, the fundamental discrepancy between mythical and historical time; on the other hand, the actualization of the processes of mythologization (mythological design, mythic construction) of history.Theoretical arguments supporting this conclusion – the work of contemporary philosophers of myth, art dystopia of the twentieth century, the works of the genre pseudohistory.The general conclusionof this article: the need for awareness ofthe immanence ofmythologicalelements in the theoryandmethodology of historicalknowledge as anormativeresearch attitude.

history, historical knowledge, historical fact, interpretation, myth, mythologicaltime, my theologizing history, pseudohistory, alternative history.

Проблема объективности исторического знания в постклассической культуре актуализирована как проблема самой возможности его объективности.


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