Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Among the new technologies for teaching and controlling students' knowledge, test technologies, whose development is based on the computerization of the educational process, are of greatest interest. A very common shortcoming of some testing programs is to ensure the performance of only one function - knowledge control. While this process is a component of the learning process and should be integrated with it as much as possible. This task can be solved on the basis of the use of educational technologies with the use of all kinds of information technologies for teaching and new teaching methods, as well as computer technologies for organizing independent work while testing knowledge and teaching technical disciplines. The practical implementation of these directions involves the development of test tasks that perform both monitoring and training functions. The relevance of the chosen topic determined the purpose of the work - identifying the features of the training and controlling complex for technical disciplines in the training of bachelors. As a result of the research, we offer a test technology in which several functions of the teacher are given to the training and controlling complex, which represents the software product. The developed technique and the accounted features of the use of the training and controlling complex for technical disciplines made it possible to increase the effectiveness of training by test methods, which was confirmed by the students' questioning.
information test technologies, the quality of education, control, training and controlling complex, technical disciplines.
Обоснование актуальности решаемой задачи
В современном обществе все больше проявляется тенденция в информатизации, которая диктует необходимость применения электронных технологий во всех процессах и сферах деятельности.
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