from 01.02.2018 to 27.04.2018
Lugansk, Ukraine
It is known that field-protective afforestation is carried out on agricultural lands for protection from abiotic and biotic factors such as dry winds, droughts, soil erosion, and also anthropogenic ones. To study spatial structure of the field-protective belts, test areas were laid in accordance with OST 56-69-83, where the following species were studied: species composition of woody-shrubby and grassy vegetation, continuous enumeration of forest stands. Based on the results of the enumeration taxation, composition of shelter belt, diameter and average height, and state of the stand according to Kraft were determined. There were no archival data on the landing time and the age of investigated forest belts. Field protection zone in the vicinity of Zolotarevka village is represented by the stand of the second generation of both seed and vegetative origin. It is located in Stanichno-Lugansky district of Lugansk region (Ukraine), in the vicinity of Zolotarevka village. Geographical coordinates of the location of the village are 48.90417º N, 39.79361º E. The main tree species (edificator) is represented by European white birch (Betula pendula Roth), planted in rows – 5 rows. The belt is not homogeneous in tree species, although initially it was created only from birch plants. In the first third of the forest belt in one vertical tier the birch is alternating with Norway maple, and then in the middle part there is European white birch. The main tree species in the second forest belt is the acicular plaque (Acer platanoides L.). At the point of contact of plants of indicated cenoses, despite the presence of a break in the work of engineering, there is mixing of these species in the first shelter belt, that is,Norway maple cut out other species of the indicated cenosis, including birch. Having studied the spatial structure and species diversity of plants of all life forms of field shelter belts (Zolotarevka village (Stanichno-Luhansky district of Lugansk region) one can conclude that it is necessary to consider these ecosystems in a sozological aspect.
field shelter-belt, Zolotarevka village, spatial structure
Известно, что полезащитное лесоразведение проводят на землях сельскохозяйственного пользования с целью их защиты от воздействия абиотических и биотических факторов (суховеев, засух, эрозии почв), а также антропогенных. Для этого создают взаимосвязанную систему полезащитных лесных полос. Созданные на открытых сельскохозяйственных угодьях, они превращают агроландшафт в лесоаграрный, существенно обогащая его, изменяя экологические условия выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур; улучшают состояние кормовых угодий, положительно влияют на продуктивность скота, птицы, условия работы аграриев; способствуют созданию благоприятного водного режима и сохранению почвенного плодородия [1]. Замена в степи открытого сельскохозяйственного ландшафта лесоаграрным приводит к формированию качественно новой экосистемы.
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