Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the Crimean mountains, the forest is of exceptional ecological, scientific, aesthetic value. The studies conducted on the territory of the largest nature reserve Crimea – Crimean reserve, located in the southern mountainous part of the Republic of Crimea. The study of the influence of fires in pine forest these conditions, is with the aim of preservation of the unique plantings nature reserve and the development of new measures of fire forest, their negative consequences. In the objectives of the research included the identification and assessment of factors, influencing the rise of fire forest in mountain pine forest of Crimea, the analysis of the dynamics of the quantity and intensity of fires in different forest conditions, analysis subsequent changes in pine forest in terms of the protected area. Research methodology provides analysis of climatic, forest conditions of the enterprise and the establishment of subsequent changes, the study of species and age structure of forest, taxation characteristics of plantations. To accomplish the tasks laid 4 sample area, and selected 4 areas passed a forest fire for visual analysis. Based on the study established, territory of the nature reserve susceptible to forest fires throughout the all year. The pine forest, presents the main species Pinus pallasiana and Pinus silvestris, subject to strong changes, even after lower forest fires. Complete destruction from any fire subject plantations Juniperus hemisphaerica on the lower tableland mountain of Chatyr-Dag. The absolute majority of forest fires caused by people. The results of these studies are introduced in the work of the enterprise.

Crimean nature reserve, forest, fire forest, Pinus pallasiana, Pinus silvestris, Juniperus hemisphaerica, fire factors.
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