Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article defines the essence of the sanctions of the European Union, the United States of America and Ukraine that have been applied to Russia, compiles the list of sanctions against the Republic of Crimea, and determines their impact on energy security of the Republic of Crimea. The authors discuss the features of sanctions as economic constraints: their goals, objectives, and ef- fects, which allows talking about efficiency; the relationship with the political course. The article characterizes the fuel and energy complex as an important sphere of economic activity of the country from the point of view of influencing the national economy development, social sphere, quality of public services. The authors justify the energy sector development with the economic and financial point of view, priority investments for the Republic of Crimea. The article presents and summarizes the main types of sanctions against the Republic of Crimea, the impact of sanctions on Ukraine in fuel and energy complex. The article is aimed at determining the nature and effects of the applied sanc- tions of the European Union countries, the United States of America and Ukraine on fuel and energy security of the Republic of Crimea. The system approach, analysis, synthesis, expert evaluation, comparison, ob- servation, generalization are the main methods of the article. The main results are based on the analysis of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Crimea: the potential, power, types of energy, the main company. The article analyzes the development of the state unitary enterprise "Chernomorneftegaz", representing the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Crimea, at which sanctions of the European Union and the United States of America direct the sanctions. Scientific novelty consists in structuring the essence of the sanctions against the Republic of Crimea and the definition of activities aimed at minimizing their impact on fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Crimea.

sanctions, energy security of the Republic of Crimea, the fuel and energy complex, oil and gas industry, renewable energy, the state unitary enterprise “Chernomorneftegaz”
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