Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the example of Russia’s Irkutsk region the problem of air basin pollution as a result of fires in technosphere objects is considered. Has been proved the necessity for assessment of air pollution as a result of fires, and importance of such assessment has been demonstrated. It has been noted that the ecological assessment of air pollution from fires, which are the sources of pollution, previously had not been calculated at regional level. The method for phased determination of burnt materials’ quantitative and qualitative characteristics has been proposed. As a result of fires effects monitoring in 2000–2015 have been determined average values of burnt materials’ mass. Taking into account specific indicators for the toxicants emission during combustion of different groups of materials, have been determined mass values for priority products of combustion, that has allowed perform subsequently the ecological and economic assessment of air pollution from fires in the region. It has been established that every year in the Irkutsk region the ecological and economic damage from air pollution by combustion products was on the average 5,73 million rubles.

fires, technosphere, toxic products of combustion, air pollution.

1. Введение
Процессы горения оказывают существенное влияние на окружающую среду, масштаб которого зависит от вида и количества горючих материалов.


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