Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper gives an overview of the literature data reflecting the issue’s current state and prospects for vinyl chloride production in Russia and abroad. A brief analysis of topical questions on vinyl chloride toxicity and its influence on workers’ body functional systems have been presented. According to international experts’ estimation more than 2 million people are involved in vinyl chloride and polyvinylchloride production. Vinyl chloride is a feedstock for the production of polyvinyl chloride resin and various polymer materials based on it — finishing and building materials, packaging containers for food, pipes for household and drinking water supply, technical equipment, household items, artificial leather and goods based on it. Vinyl chloride consumption is growing every year. It has been included in the lists of the most dangerous and toxic substances. Experimental and clinical studies have shown its complex toxic effect on the body, characterized by damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems, liver, bone system, connective tissue, manifestation of carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic effects. Main sources of industrial hazards remain vinyl chloride and ethylene dichloride — chemicals of 1 to 2 classes of danger, which in modern conditions, as a rule, do not exceed, or only slightly exceed hygienic standards. In accordance with this, cases of occupational intoxication are the rare ones (mainly when the production technology and safety precautions are violated), and are most often not clearly expressed. At the same time, workers’ labor conditions in vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride production facilities are classified as harmful, which is facilitated, in addition to a chemical factor, by unfavorable microclimatic conditions and production noise. In this connection, at a number of enterprises there is an increase in the number of diseases related to the circulatory and nervous systems, as well as mental disorders. At healthy and trained workers which are in contact with vinyl chloride, have been revealed changes in the immune system, characterized by imbalance of cytokines and violation of autoimmune regulation. In this regard, it is advisable to improve the methodology for assessing of occupational risk taking into account specific labor conditions, including highly informative indicators of early changes in the workers’ health status.

vinyl chloride production, toxicity, labor conditions, occupational risk.

1. Введение
В соответствии с Концепцией демографической политики Российской Федерации на период до 2025 года одной из долгосрочных стратегических целей государства является сокращение уровня смертности и травматизма от несчастных случаев на производстве и профессиональных заболеваний за счет перехода в сфере охраны труда к системе управления профессиональными рисками.


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