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Abstract (English):
The possibility of obtaining wood and plant plastics without a binder (WP-WB) in the presence of a catalyst of man-ganese-containing sodium vanadomolybdophosphate has been investigated. The use of this catalyst makes it possible to reduce the temperature of hot pressing in closed molds from 1,800°C to 1,600°C. The fractional composition of the initial press raw material influences physical and mechanical properties of WP-WB. Higher values of the plastic properties are obtained by using a 0.7 mm fraction, which is associated with an increased specific surface area of the particles compared to 1.3 mm particles. The results has showed that the samples obtained by using the catalyst have increase in strength properties (flexural strength, flexural modulus, hardness) at lower pressing temperature, but reduction of water resistance performance has been observed . This is explained by the increase in the content of functional groups when using a catalyst. The process of obtaining plastic can be broken down into two successive stages: the first is hydrothermal destruction of lignin-carbohydrate complex (initial moisture of the press raw material is 12%, the temperature of hot pressing in closed molds is 160 ... .180 ° C) and partial chemical activation of lignin as a result of hydrogen peroxide and catalyst application; the second stage - formation of plastic with the formation of a network structure due to the formed functional groups. It is established that the values of physical and mechanical properties of WP-WB are higher than those of plastic obtained on the basis of plant raw materials (PP-WB). This can be explained by the fact that lignin of coniferous species has the guaiacylpropane structure, while plant raw material has a hydroxyphenylpropane structure

wood and plant plastics, wood and plant waste, lignin, catalyst, polyoxometallates
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