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Abstract (English):
The production of cane sugar accompanies the formation of a waste called bagasse, which can serve as a source for obtaining sorption-active materials. The purpose of this work was to determine the composition and the characteristics of thermal destruction of bagasse. The composition of the bagasse was determined - 47.59 wt. % cellulose, 26.92 wt. % hemicellulose, 21.53 wt. % lignin, 1.37 wt. % of the substance extracted with organic solvents and 2.59 wt. % of ash. In an oxidizing environment, the destruction of bagasse occurs intensively in the range 230-520°C with the release of thermal energy, in a protective medium in the range 240-395°C without the release of thermal energy.

wood, forest preservation, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, bagasse, complex thermal analysis, thermal destruction, pyrolysis, sorbents
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