from 01.09.2017 to 02.12.2017
Bryansk State University named after academician I. Petrovsky (the Department of life safety, head of the Department)
from 01.09.2017 to 03.12.2017
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Increasing the safety of drivers of motor vehicles (MV) used in rural and forestry is an urgent task due to the high level of injuries. Analysis of injury statistics of drivers of motor vehicles and conducted studies has revealed that these ma-chines are sources of increased danger in the performance of transport operations. For the functioning of a device that re-duces traumatism and increases the safety of MV drivers in carrying out transportation of agricultural products and removal of timber, it is necessary to know the magnitude of MV braking distance in real traffic conditions, which is determined theoretically. The imperfection of the methods for determining the real stopping distance of modern VMs used in forestry and agriculture is due to the fact that they do not take into account a number of operational and constructive factors. When determining the length of the braking distance according to the existing analytical dependencies, the error can be from 25% to 35%. Reducing the risk of collision of VM during transportation of agricultural products and performing logging operations is proposed to be provided by improving the method of determining the braking distance, taking into account the actual operating conditions. The results and conclusions made in this article can be useful for improving safety of agricultural and forestry vehicles on the roads
logging machines, logging operations, collision risk, braking distances, driver injuries, normal load, balance of braking forces.
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