Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Bryansk forestry is located in the north-east of the Bryansk region, in the territories of the Bryansk and Karachev administrative districts, with a total area of 62,339 hectares, including 59,219 hectares of forest, and 16593 ha of forest cultures. Forests of the forest range are classified as protective, they are used in recreational, water-protective, environmental-forming purposes, grow on sands, moraines, sandy loam, loam. Forest management in the Bryansk forestry is aimed at rational forest management and management, enhancement of the forest resource potential, protection and protection of forests, expansion and rational use of forests through the systematic implementation of a set of forest management measures, growing forests to meet the needs of the Bryansk region in wood. The climatic conditions in the area of Bryansk forestry are mainly favorable for forest-forming coniferous and deciduous species. However, in recent years, dry periods of different duration and intensity have regularly occurred, which create conditions for the occurrence of fires. Research indicators that for the period from 2003 to 2015 in the territory of the forestry there were 2039 fires, a total area of 4,499.9 hectares. Only in 2014, the damage from forest fires amounted to 17434.2 thousand rubles, while directly to extinguish fires spent 1,434.2 thousand rubles. In 2015, the main causes of fires are: the human factor - 66 fires; grass fires - 27 fires; through the fault of the railway -10; other reasons - 3 fires and others. Elimination of forest fires in the forestry is carried out by land means, while the artificial and natural fire barriers created in advance, in particular, created with the help of a tractor, aggregated by the device for laying and reconstructing mineralized strips, and fire-fighting mineralized strips, are of great help in eliminating fires. In order to improve the microclimate in the tractor cab, the authors propose to use a control pedal with a hermetic terminal. Timely detection of fire and liquidation of a fire, reduces economic, natural, technological and social damage

fire, forest, forestry, soil, forest stand, climatic conditions, fire period, fire prevention measures, fire-fighting mineralized strip
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