Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article substantiates the necessity and expediency of using the resources of the information and educational environment for activating the cognitive activity of students in the university. The theoretical description of the essence of activation of cognitive activity is given, the sequence of formation of cognitive interest in the learner is presented, the requirements to the activation of the educational process in higher education are systematized. The criteria for the selection of resources and means of the information and educational environment, which are appropriate to use for the preparation of future teachers of vocational training, are proposed. Specific types of resources of the information and educational environment that can be effectively used at the stages of formation of the reproducing, interpreting and creative activity of students are presented and disclosed. The results of experimental work on the use of resources and means of the information and educational environment for activating cognitive activity in the direction of training are described. 43.03.04 Vocational training (by branches), the effectiveness of using such resources for improving the quality of vocational training of future teachers of vocational training is proved.

activation, cognitive activity, teacher of vocational training, information and educational environment.

Перед современным высшим образованием в настоящее время поставлена задача качественной подготовки специалистов, готовых к использованию современных методов добывания, переработки и использования информации, принятию решений в условиях информационного избытка или недостатка, способных к профессиональному развитию и творческой деятельности, умеющих осуществлять различные виды командного взаимодействия [5; 6].


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