Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the linguistic methods and techniques used by the mass media as an effective way of manipulating the public consciousness. Today, the media apply a fairly wide range of methods of influencing the people’s consciousness, and here, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the transformation of the communicative-content side of information, emotional impact and, of course, the language methods of manipulation. The nature and the structural and functional features of the language impact of the media on public consciousness are determined in accordance with the set goals and the interests of the target audience. The forms of mass media’s language influencing the public consciousness include rhetoric, propaganda, language demagogy, and public relations. To affect the recipients of information the most well-known methods are brainwashing, suggestion, Neurolinguistic Programming, and language manipulation. Impact on the public consciousness in open and hidden forms with the help of language means is carried out through using many channels, the leading of which is the media system with printed and Internet publications, radio, television.
communicant, linguistic manipulation, propaganda, linguistic demagogy, public relations, rhetorical techniques, connotation.
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