Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A completely new method for quantitative risks assessment has been proposed by authors. The method is focused on practical application in specific national circumstances. The principle of state management for labor protection, and the concept of absolute security that are valid in the labor protection area do not allow apply direct risk assessment methods based on hazards’ proximate identification. Moreover, such a work requires a special training for experts, and great problems are connected with this too. On the other hand, the same factors helped for publication of almost incalculable number of normative legal acts and regulatory documents containing safety requirements. From the authors’ point of view the state safety requirements are nothing else than the regulatory protective measures, which have been established without prior hazard identification and risk assessment. The proposed method based on hazard identification through semantic analysis for wording of the protective measure to be followed by the analysis of residual risk assessment taking into account the implemented protective measure.

production risk, regulatory risk, risk assessment, identification, hazard identification.

1. Введение в проблему оценивания производственных рисков
Риск-ориентированному подходу в последнее время уделяется большое внимание на всех уровнях государственного и корпоративного управления.


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