Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Process modeling is one of the main directions in science and engineering. When there is a model of simple system it is possible to obtain the parameters of its state vector before a process starts. However, the modeling of complex processes (systems) applying standard methods of computing and simulation software is confronted with difficulties of chaotic dynamics of such systems. A number of models that allow to describing the dynamics of complex biological dynamic systems is extremely small, as to repeat the same results of experiments it is impossible on the basis of deterministic or stochastic models. In additional, the authors propose a model for description of human state vector through three-compartment two-cluster control system. This model may be implemented using an application package exhibiting an operation of each cluster separately. The output signals of the model seen can be compared with the actual experimental data observed as output signals. The signals obtained at the output of the simulation model show different states of the system under external control actions which cause the change in the internal properties and states due to external (disturbance) signal. Control external signal from the first cluster and accordingly the output signal from the second cluster were divided into four main components that had the same analogues in the dynamics of complex biological behavior of dynamical systems [2,4].

three-compartment two-cluster model, biological systems, external control action, dissipation factor

Введение. Одно из основных направлений в науке и технике - это поиск формальных моделей, закономерностей и алгоритмов, описывающих те или иные объекты, системы, процессы, явления, и, как следствие, большинство современных научных исследований посвящено вопросам их адекватной формализации. Несомненно, результаты таких исследований крайне востребованы и практически значимы для любого направления научных знаний человека. Всё это позволяет переходить на всё новый и новый уровень понимания и оперирования окружающим миром, тем более, если речь идёт о сложных биосистемах.


При исследовании относительно простых предметных областей (технических систем) процедура получения формальных описаний предметной области хорошо отработана и известна, получаемые результаты


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