Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.01 Общие вопросы медицины и здравоохранения
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
Purpose: To provide case report of alveococcosis of the liver, when ALPPS procedure was planned based on diagnostic information and 3D reconstructions of computed tomography. Material and methods: Computed tomography with bolus intravenous administration of 100 ml of contrast media Ultravist-370 was performed on multislice computed tomography Aquilion 64 Toshiba. Results: The preoperative planning is the crucial part of treatment to minimize or exclude liver insufficiency after resection. The minimal volume of remnant of the liver should be more than 25–30 % for normal parenchyma and more than 40 % in case of chronic pathologic diffuse process in the liver for example steatosis or cirrhosis. If the estimated volume of remnant is not enough to perform resection, two staged hepatectomy should be planned. According to CT data, the parenchyma of segment S2 and most of parenchyma S3, which together constitute the so-called lateral sector of the liver, were preserved. It allowed to plan an extended right-sided resection. However, the volume of the future liver remnant was 410 ml – about 30 % of the functioning part of the liver which was considered insufficient in view of the presence of prolonged biliary hypertension and a decreasing density of the parenchyma. Vascular elements of the left lateral sector – left hepatic artery, left hepatic vein and inferior vena cava were intact, however, there was a possibility of involving the wall of the left portal vein, due to its prolonged contact with the surface of the parasitic lesion. Using the segmentation tool on radiology workstation, a 3D surface model of the liver was built, where the localization of the pathologic lesion and its relationship with the main vessels were visually demonstrated. After preoperative preparation, a decision was made to perform ALPPS procedure. At the first stage intraoperative the adhesion of the parasitic lesion with the left portal vein was confirmed, which required its resection and plastic. Also in addition to the usual volume of the operation, an atypical resection of the S3 segment and Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy were performed. On the 7th day after the 1st stage, a control CT scan was performed, at which an increase in the volume of the remnant to 630 ml (46 % of the preserved parenchyma of the liver) was recorded. The hepatic artery, portal and hepatic veins of the future liver remainder were enhanced homogenously; drainage was traced in the area of parenchyma dissection after the second, l stage of the operation, CT was performed in 15 days to exclude liquid accumulations in the abdominal cavity and to assess the condition of the remnant due to a moderate increasing of the level of direct bilirubin up to 98 μmol/l. No pathological changes in the abdominal cavity were revealed, only free pleural effusion was observed in the pleural cavities with partial atelectasis of the lower lobes of the lungs. After conservative therapy the liver insufficiency was resolved. On the 20th day after the operation, the patient was discharged. Conclusion: In the described clinical case, computed tomography with 3D reconstructions made possible to obtain complete diagnostic information that was necessary for the surgeon to assess the resectability of the pathological process and to plan the type of surgical intervention.
computed tomography, 3D reconstruction, alveococcosis of the liver, two stage hepatectomy, ALPPS
Альвеококкоз – это природно-очаговое заболевание, возбудителем которого является гельминт Echinococcus multilocularis. Для альвеококкоза печени характерен инфильтративный опухолеподобный рост с инвазией сосудов, рядом расположенных органов и структур, кроме того, возможно формирование отдаленных метастазов [1]. В связи с длительным асимптоматическим течением на момент постановки диагноза у 33,7–50 % больных радикальное хирургическое лечение невозможно в связи с большим объемом поражения печени, вовлечением структур портальных и кавальных ворот [2, 3].
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