Bat, United Kingdom
Bat, United Kingdom
Bat, United Kingdom
Polagaetsya, chto razrabotka ekspertnyh sistem, kotorye predusmatrivayut ispol'zovanie novyh ili netradicionnyh metodov NK, budet polezna dlya inzhenerov-praktikov NK, kotorym nado otvetit' na vopros: smozhet li dannyy metod NK reshit' konkretnuyu problemu kontrolya. V kachestve primera takoy sistemy rassmatrivaetsya Thermographic NDE Advisory and Guidance System, pozvolyayuschaya ocenit' vozmozhnost' vyyavleniya rassloeniy; defektov adgezii pokrytiy i utonenie vnutrenney stenki truby, zapolnennoy zhidkost'yu. Predstavleny rezul'taty primeneniya sistemy dlya obnaruzheniya rassloeniy v kompozite iz uglerodnogo volokna, defektov adgezii na titan-nimonikovoy granice i rassloeniya mezhdu kraskoy i stal'yu.
magnitnyy kontrol'; magnitnaya defektoskopiya, strukturoskopiya, mezomehanika, effekta Barkgauzena, etalon napryazheniy
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8. Almond D. P., Angioni S. L., Pickering S. G. Long pulse excitation thermographic non-destructive evaluation. - NDT&E International. 2017. V. 87. P. 7-14.