Osinniki, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Novokuzneck, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The article features various aspects of promoting chess classes at all stages of personal enhancement within the system of lifelong learning. While doing chess classes, one has to choose foundations and models of self-development, socialization and self-realization. It is a complex, heterogeneous pedagogical process. One has to develop a trajectory of self-development and set up priorities to solve such tasks as I want / I can / I must, etc. During chess classes, the choices made by the chess player predetermine the niches of socialization and self-realization he or she is going to occupy and, hence, predetermine the success of his or her personality in various aspects. Principles, models, forms, methods, technologies, and pedagogical conditions for chess class promotion are determined in the system of priorities and constructs of modern scientific pedagogy. Together with the traditional and innovative components of a holistic pedagogical process, they improve the quality of personal development, pedagogical activity and educational services in the system of additional education for children and youth, as well as in the system of lifelong learning. The success of popularization in the visualization structure of the possibilities and products of pedagogical activity directly depends on the quality and nuances of socialization and self-realization models. An appropriate pedagogical support provides the basis for the synergetic correction and monitoring of the goals and products of personal enhancement and coaching.
pedagogical modeling, pedagogical methodology, popularization, principles of popularization of chess classes, pedagogical conditions for popularization of chess classes
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