Kemerovo, Russian Federation
The present research features attempts to unite into one category two types of crime associated with fire: arson and crimes where fire serves as a tool of suppression of crime traces. The author stresses the proximity of elements of operational and investigative and forensic characteristics of murders of the category in question. On the one hand, it makes it possible to combine murders where fire was used as a weapon and murders where fire was used as a means of concealment into a single operational and investigative category. On the other hand, a special operational and investigative category can be singled out. The feasibility of establishing a single operational-investigative provision also stems from the similarity of evidence, operative-investigative and investigative situation, forensic information, etc. The author studied pre-investigation checks, acts of forensic medical examination, and 337 cases. The obtained material allowed the author to give a complex definition of investigation, prevention, and disclosure of murders of the category in question.
arson, murder, operational and investigative activities, operational and investigative categories, forensic medicine
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