Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Through the efforts of government, private business, RVC and other development institutions in the past few years, Russia has managed to meet the challenge of developing their own venture investment industry. Russian venture capital industry is entering a new phase associated with the transition from the stage of the «launch» of the market to its harmonization and growth, in which the most popular are companiesof informational technology.

venture capital investments, Russian Venture Company (RVC), informational technology (IT), «launch» of the market,private business

Одной из важнейших задач государства и созданных в России институтов развития в 2007-2013 гг. являлось формирование основ инновационной экономики с опорой на модель государственно-частного партнерства.


1. Il´in, V. A. Issledovanie rossiyskogo i mirovogo venchurnogo rynka za 2007-2013 gody [Tekst] : Otchet kompanii EY s uchastiem kompanii RBK/ V.A. Il´in - Moskva, 2013 - 63 s.

2. Rossiyskiy biznes forum [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:´yr://go5.´іg/euepЇ5/re2013/. - Pryamye i venchurnye investitsii v Rossii.

3. Rossiyskaya assotsiatsiya venchurnogo investirovaniya (RAVI) [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa:1shr://www.rvca.ru/rus/. - O RAVI.

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