Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The pricing of goods on the market is influenced by the spontaneously emerging supply and demand. However, the spontaneity of pricing is based on internal laws, primarily on the law of value, which implies that the prices of goods are ultimately governed by the proportions of the distribution of hired labor among the branches of material production. The mechanisms of formation of the system of commodity prices can be understood on the basis of the use of the theory of chaos, which is based on the subordination of random processes of a certain regularity, which is called the “attactor». The price of a commodity is the expression of its value basis in monetary terms, in the form of currency. Since modern credit money is a banknote that is not an image of gold, the price of a commodity depends on the value the market attaches to the modern monetary unit. The monetary unit is the sign of value, the marginal value of which (or the money attractor) is the quotient of dividing the total value of the goods by the number of currency in circulation.
cost, price, money, commodity, commodity exchange, chaos theory, chance, regularity.
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