Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation
Za poslednie gody, s uvelicheniem tayaniya l'da v Arktike,povysilas' vazhnost' morskoy logistiki v vy-sokih shirotah, ekspluatacii resursov i nauchnyh issledovaniy. Sokrascheniya morskogo l'da v Severnom Ledovitom okeane otkryvayut novye marshruty transportirovki. Eto razvitie sposobstvuet rostu novyh torgovyh putey, rasshirenie turizma i uproschenie transportirovki gruzov v vysokih shirotah. V kachestve eksperimental'noy chasti byl proveden opyt – vliyanie harakteristik okruzhayuschey sredy na kachestvo lesnoy produkcii pri transportirovke morskim transportom po marshrutu Murmansk – Novaya Zemlya – Severnyy Polyus - Zemlya Franca-Iosifa – Arhangel'sk. Transportirovka osuschestvlyalas' na atomnom ledokole «50 let Pobedy» i na sudne «SeaSpirit». S otobrannymi eksperimental'nymi obrazcami lesnoy produkcii byli provedeny tschatel'nye zamery, posle chego obrazcy byli upakovany v raznye vidy pachek. V processe morskoy logisticheskoy transportirovki na gruzy okazyvaet vozdeystvie okruzhayuschaya sreda - atmosfernyy vozduh i zabortnaya voda, kotoraya omyvaet gruzovye tryumy i tanki sudna. Vliyanie gidrometeorologicheskih usloviy vneshney sredy mozhet privesti k izmeneniyu kachestvennyh pokazateley, v svyazi izmeneniya fizicheskogo i himicheskogo sostava produkcii. Seychas Severnyy marshrut ne vyglyadit vysshey stepeni privlekatel'noy ekonomicheskoy ideey. V blizhayshee vremya transportirovkami po nemu budut pol'zovat'sya tol'ko otechestvennye kompanii, stroitel'stvo ledokolov i sudov vspomogatel'nogo flota, infrastruktura, obespechenie svyazi i navigacionnyh sistem, prokladka dorog, stroitel'stvo zheleznodorozhnyh dorog i portov, bez kotoryh nevozmozhna polnocennaya ekspluataciya severnogo morskogo puti, - ochen' dorogostoyaschiy proekt, na realizaciyu kotorogo potrebuetsya ne odno desyatiletie. Vprochem, SMP – eto tot proekt, razvivat' kotoryy nuzhno uzhe seychas. No osnovnoy cel'yu dolzhno byt' ne peretyagivanie gruzov s yuzhnogo marshruta i ne zavoevanie rynkov, a razvitie samogo puti. Imenno eto budet sposobstvovat' stroitel'stvu infrastruktury, organizacii sistemy svyazi, no samaya klyuchevaya cel' – funkcionirovanie Severnogo morskogo puti stanet lokomotivom razvitiya regiona, potencial kotorogo ogromen.
Severnyy morskoy put', logistika, Arktika, transportnaya sistema, lesopromyshlennyy kompleks, eksport, lesnaya produkciya
1. Pirchalava N.R., Karpov A.A., Derbin M.V. Nacional'naya transportnaya kommunikaciya v Arktike [Elektronnyy resurs] // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. - Rezhim dostupa:;
2. Lavson Brigham. International Cooperation in Arctic Marine Transportation, Safety and Environmental Pro-tection. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2013, 115-134 p.
3. Arild Moe. Offshore Petroleum and maritime infrastructure. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2014, 21-38 p.
4. Vylegzhanin Alexander. Russia’s Arctic Policy. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2014, 129-155 p.
5. Gail Fondal. A scientific perspective. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Building capacity for a sustainable Arctic in a Chaining Global Order. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2017, 150-163 p.
6. Lee Sung-Woo. Potential Arctic Shipping: Change, Benefit, Risk and Cooperation. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues, Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2012, 39-61 p.
7. Mitrova Tatiana. Russian Perspectives. In TheArctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. - Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2017, 126-140 p.
8. Kevin Harun. View from the Arctic regional communities. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Di-alogue on Building capacity for a sustainable Arctic in a Chaining Global Order. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2017, 164-171 p.
9. Yang Jian. 2014.China’s Arctic Policy. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2017, 172-187 p.
10. GunnarssonBjorn.The Future of Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping Logistics. In The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic Marine Issues. Seoul and Honolulu: Korea Maritime Institute and East-West Center, 2013, 37-62 p.