Moskva, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
GRNTI 14.23 Дошкольное образование. Дошкольная педагогика
OKSO 44.02.01 Дошкольное образование
BBK 74 Образование. Педагогическая наука
BBK 741 Дошкольное воспитание. Дошкольная педагогика
The author reveals the content of the project «Healthy kindergarten – 2035» and analyzes the results of the research conducted in the framework of this project by teachers of the Department of Theory and methodology of preschool education of Moscow state pedagogical University (MSU). The purpose of the study: to identify the opinion of teachers of preschool educational organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region on the possibility of implementing the project «Healthy kindergarten – 2035»? Research problem: 1) identification of ideas of teachers of preschool organizations on the relationship of modern education with social values; 2) assessment of opportunities for the introduction of innovative technologies while maintaining traditional approaches to the implementation of the educational process in kindergarten, the definition of barriers; 3) designing the image of a «Healthy kindergarten» of the future.
preschool education, healthy kindergarten, kindergarten of the future, children's health, comfortable environment, value orientations.
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