Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the directions of the modern European professional pedagogical education, focused on improving its quality in order to ensure the full development of children at the initial stage of education. The conceptual provisions of professional competence of teachers in the field of preschool and primary school education are indicated. The components of the teacher’s professional competence models are described, which are developed on the basis of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and take into account the competence approach implemented in the educational practice of European countries. Particular attention is paid to the development of competency parenting in the implementation of the concept of “Lifelong learning”. The main scientific judgments about modern parenthood, which determine the models of family and school interaction existing abroad, are summarized.

European education, the initial stage of training; competence approach; teacher competence; “European qualification frameworks” in the field of vocational teacher education; parental competence; the concept of “Lifelong learning”; interaction of educational institutions, teachers and parents in the educational system of Europe.

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