from 01.01.2011 until now
This article analyzes the description of the procedure of statistical processing of the obtained experimental data of polycode-polymodal texts influence on audience. As examples of such complicated texts were taken sports coverages aired on television covering the Republic of Bashkortostan. Sports coverages are polycode-polymodal texts as they combine components belonging to different sign systems in one text and this information is percepted by audience with the help of two channels: visual and audial. In our research the audience was represented by the first-year and secondyear students of Ufa State Aviation Technical University. Their task was to estimate 100 television sport coverages using the scale offered. Because of technical reasons 10 sports coverages were analyzed with the usage of STATISTICA Version 6, Statsoft program. We received the following results. The audial perceptual channel is suggested to be leading as audience’s total perceptual estimation was influenced by reporter’s speech quality (presence or absence speech defects) the most.
polycode-polymodal text, television sports coverage, statistics, characteristic, perceptual channel
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