from 01.01.1977 to 01.01.2019
Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.81 Экономика и организация предприятия. Управление предприятием
OKSO 38.04.01 Экономика
BBK 6549 Экономика отраслей непроизводственной (социально-культурной) сферы
TBK 7746 Экономика социальной сферы
Introduction: the article deals with the essence of event-marketing as a popular tool for promotion in the market, the place of event-marketing in the complex of marketing communications is determined. A study on the development of the Park of culture and recreation “Olympic” based on the use of event-marketing tools is carried out. The results of the study of existing tools to promote the Park are given, the motives and preferences of potential guests of the Park on the basis of a survey are identified, recommendations for its development are given. Materials and methods: the article uses the publications of well-known scientists, methods of abstract-logical, systematic, economic and statistical, comparative analysis, graphic, methods of sociological and marketing research (in the survey of consumers of the Park of culture and recreation “Olympic”). The results of the study: the analysis of existing ways to promote the services of the Park of culture and recreation “Olympic” showed that the Park is not enough and not often held various event-events. In addition, the events are not diverse, which indicates the lack of use of event-marketing tools in the Park. In this regard, a variety of events was offered, within the framework of the implementation of such areas as sport events, exhibitions and art creativity, leisure activities for young people, romantic events, catering, opening and restoration of the existing Playground, modernization of the roller rink and art cafe, opening of the Park of extreme species, improvement of the Park and the opening of the school with clubs for the implementation of creative directions. Discussion and conclusion: Improvement program Park development using the tools of event marketing will contribute to the implementation of the Federal program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment for 2018–2022.g.”, to increase the customer traffic, to improve the visitor traffic, average check, increase the quality of life of the population. For organizations in the sphere of communication services, Event-marketing is the most effective direction of direct communication and is one of the most popular and progressively developing tools.
event marketing, event marketing, promotion, promotion strategy, marketing complex, life cycle, marketing, brand, marketing tools
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