Stavropol', Russian Federation
Pedagogical activity is considered in the context of its cultural signifi cance, provides the author’s interpretation of pedagogical activities. Three main approaches to the study of structural and substantive organization of pedagogical activity-system-functional, cultural and competence are given. On the basis of systemic-functional approach comparative-comparative analysis of the structure and content of educational activities was carried out presented in the writings of some domestic authors. The article shows the relevance of studying professionally important qualities of a teacher, highlights the personality system, composable around professional-pedagogical orientation. Special attention is given to the quality of the article of the teacher as information culture. On the basis of the cultural approach the composition of professional-pedagogical culture and the place in the information culture was considered. The intrinsic features of the concept of “information culture of the teacher” are given, an attempt was made to designate its complex composition. The factors are highlighted contributing to the need for raising and resolving problems of formation of information culture of the teacher in higher educational practice.
pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity structure, information culture, formation of informational culture teacher, visually model training.
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