employee from 01.01.2014 until now
Surgut, Russian Federation
GRNTI 06.77 Экономика труда. Трудовые ресурсы
OKSO 38.03.03 Управление персоналом
BBK 6524 Экономика труда
TBK 7716 Экономика труда
BISAC BUS068000 Development / Economic Development
The article deals with the principles of knowledge formation and their interaction with the educational process at the stage of the sixth technological mode in the economy. The article gives the analysis of educational institutions of higher education since the beginning of the last century, the concept of “education” from the point of view of the employee, the employer and the state, the problems in the educational system are identified. The reasons for the lagging of the Russian knowledge economy from international needs are considered. The technological structures, the role and importance of knowledge management are characterized, the prerequisites that distinguish a competitive employee of an effective organization are considered. The role of changes in the level of knowledge in the development of professional potential of the employee is shown, the world experience of economic approaches to knowledge management and their advantages are considered. As a result, it is concluded that knowledge management is the basis for the development of the information society at the stage of the sixth technological order.
efficiency, education, knowledge management, knowledge economy, competitiveness, economic development, organization
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