Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article gives the problematic analysis of preschool children socialization based on the work experience of the Institute of Childhood as a subdivision element under the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Additionally, research emphasizes the parents’ support in various questions of children socialization inside the family, particularly those hinged on the interdisciplinary family assistance. Apart from questions, work underlines the crucial role of parents’ solidarity throughout the child upbringing; in addition, with the emotional sustainability of parents as well as leisure communication within the family. Furthermore, subject to the prevalence of families with one child, report illustrates the signifi cance of socially adopted game practice in the context of family relationship. Finally, article highlights the work of students volunteers.

child socialization within the family, contemporary families’ typology, interdisciplinary family assistance, parents’ solidarity, parents’ emotional sustainability, leisure communication, socially adopted game practice, students volunteers

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