, Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (Department of Global Education, Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the features of the pedagogical system of M. Montessori. The importance of its system for the development of modern education is revealed. Attention is paid to the bias of the concept of M. Montessori that has developed in Russian pedagogy and the risks of its development within the framework of the national pedagogical and sociocultural context. The main problems associated with the use of the Montessori method in the domestic pedagogical space are analyzed. The features of the methodological and didactic support of the pedagogical process in the Montessori classes for diff erent age groups are considered. The pedagogical and psychological sense of the teacher’s activity in the Montessori classroom is revealed. The problem of training teachers for M. Montessori classes and the possible reactions of students to the shock of the proposed change in professional stereotypes are discussed.
life support, adaptation, socialization, development, prepared environment, presentation, freedom of choice, free work, trained teacher
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