Russian Federation
The development of the cultural industry can prevent unnecessary loss of time and various resources in the process of organizing the interaction of participants in the life cycle of the cultural industry services. To assess the effectiveness of the functioning and development of creative industries, the method of «analysis of the functioning environment» is used. In the paradigms framework of the support mechanism for the IR discusses several components: classification services culture; classification of the market of cultural industries; formation of the complex system of services in the cultural industry (IR); state support, forms of public-private support (PPP); risk minimization; the formation and implementation of programs services culture within integrated service systems (Integs). Economic support measures include the main elements: assessing the potential of IR; the formation of information-analytical database (IABD) IR; creation of economic-mathematical models support IR services; optimization of costs (creating Integs IR); improving the efficiency of IR (economic, social, cultural). The vertical of realization of the organizational and economic mechanism of integral support of the culture industry is defined. Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of integrated support for EC services OEM solve an important state task to improve the living standards of the population and economic growth of the RF subjects and the formation of a new paradigm of the RF IC development. The proposed model of the new paradigm of IC development reflects the logic of actions and is aimed at the formation of integrated support for the system of cultural services of the Russian Federation, taking into account the needs of a particular subject of activity and is a way of coordination and allocation of resources, a condition for effective realization of the potential of the subject of activity.
cultural industries, development paradigm, organizational-economic mechanism, the formation of the complex system of services, information and analytical database of the cultural industries
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