Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The stochastic knowledge, probabilistic style of thinking, the ability to build scientifi cally based forecasts — are becoming extremely popular in the socio-economic changes of modern society. They are of great importance in the natural Sciences and Humanities today. Such sciences as physics, cybernetics, biology, linguistics, chemistry, sociology and many others cannot do without statistical hypotheses, conclusions, forecasts, which in turn aff ects the improvement of the latest scientifi c trends based on the probabilistic and statistical methods of data processing. The article presents an essential characteristic of the development of the probabilistic thinking style of high school students in the study of the stochastic line in the school course of mathematics. The results of an experimental study are presented which help to identify the students’ level of abilities of physical-mathematical and social-humanitarian classes to operate with the concepts of the world of random processes and phenomena. As part of the digitization of mathematical education, the examples of work in the software environment “Mathematical designer” are considered.

a probabilistic style of thinking, a probabilistic forecasting, mathematical education, stochastics, the theory of probability, digitalization, software environment “Mathematical designer”

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