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Abstract (English):
The article discusses characteristics, fundamental and applied tasks of the Siberian Radioheliograph that is developed at the ISTP SB RAS Radio Astrophysical Observatory and spectropolarimetric complex that measures the total flux of solar radio emission. The multi-wave mapping of the Sun in the microwave range is a powerful and relatively inexpensive, in comparison with space technologies, means of observing solar activity processes and diagnosing plasma parameters. All-weather monitoring of electromagnetic solar emission (in the range from meter to millimeter waves, including measurements of the solar activity index at 2.8 GHz), and at the location of other diverse diagnostic facilities of the Heliogeophysical Complex, is of particular value. Radioheliograph data is necessary to develop and implement methods of short-term forecast of solar flares, measurements of kinematics and characteristics of coronal mass ejection plasma, forecast of characteristics of fast solar wind streams.

radioheliograph, Sun, magnetic fields, monitoring, particle acceleration
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