from 01.01.2020 until now
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article considers initiation as a means of developing leadership qualities of socially active high school students. The research featured the development of leadership skills in socially active high school students in the School of Leaders organized by Kemerovo State University. The paper reviews theoretical ideas about leadership as an object of psychological and pedagogical research. The author determined the content characteristics of social competence as the basis of leadership manifestation and described the features of the development of leadership qualities in socially active high school students. The article describes various socialization projects implemented in Russian universities and considers the phenomenon of initiation employed in "The Republic of Restless Hearts". The initiation project is based on a forming experiment and proved effective in the local School of Leaders. The research results can help to improve the process of leadership development of socially active high school students in various youth organizations. The results were implemented in practice to develop leadership skills of socially active high school students during the Regional Professional Camp of youth organizations "The Republic of Restless Hearts" and can be of practical use to other youth organizations.
social competence, career guidance, socialization, ritual
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