from 01.01.2022 until now
Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
This work is devoted to the study of the features of generation Z of secondary school age and their influence on the formation of engineering competence. The specificity of generation Z students' engineering competence formation was studied separately. The paper substantiates the need for the introduction of classes on the formation of engineering competence from the 5th grade. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the lack of case studies and, accordingly, scientific data on the influence of age and psychological characteristics of generation Z on the process of formation of engineering competence and its individual components. The analysis of thematic scientific literature has shown that in most cases the work is limited to the study of local aspects of the declared topic. Therefore, the main goal conducted as part of this work was to study the age peculiarities of pupils of generation Z in the formation of engineering competence (within the framework of extracurricular activities of pupils 5 – 9 classes). The methodological base of the research carried out in the framework of this work is represented by a set of General scientific methods (description, comparison, generalization and system analysis) and a private scientific method descriptive content analysis. Scientific novelty of obtained results is reduced to the design of a set of attributes of generation Z on the average school age and have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the development project and research skills of students and also in providing recommendations to build the educational process in the framework of extracurricular activities. The practical and theoretical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of using the obtained results as a basis for drawing up methodological programs of students, for writing fundamental compilative and original scientific works, as well as for creating a new classification of characteristics of representatives of the "new generation" in the educational process. The main conclusions obtained as a result of the study can be formulated as follows: work on the formation of engineering competence and each of its components separately must begin at the middle school age; for a deeper and better development of the components of engineering competence, you should refer to the resources of extracurricular activities; generation Z needs a special approach to the formation of engineering competence, in view of its inherent interests, needs and psychological and age characteristics.
engineering competence, formation of engineering competence of students, components of engineering competence, generation Z, psychological and age features, extracurricular activities
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